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Red Hat Insights

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Security improvements and usability enhancements for cloud and remotely hosted systems that can more securely unlock Network Bound Disk Encrypted devices at boot-time.


Predictive analytics helps you see what’s happening in your IT environment. It also allows staff to fix technical issues before they impact your environment—avoiding costly downtime. Red Hat® Insights gives your business the ability to predict and prevent problems before they occur. You get real-time, in-depth analysis of your Red Hat infrastructure to proactively identify threats to security, performance, and stability.

Brand Red Hat
Version Red Hat Insights
System Requirements Red Hat Insights provides predictive analytics and remediation steps for these Red Hat products: • Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 6.4 and later versions. • Red Hat OpenStack® Platform 7 and later versions. • Red Hat Virtualization 3.6 and later versions. • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The Red Hat Insights user interface is integrated into the Red Hat Customer Portal,1 as well as: • Red Hat Satellite 5.7 and later versions. • Red Hat CloudForms 4 and later versions.
Feature 01 PREDICTIVE I.T. ANALYTICS: Gain comprehensive analytics across physical, virtual, container, and private and public cloud environments. Know about vulnerabilities before they affect your environment.
Feature 02 AUTOMATED REMEDIATION: Quickly resolve critical security risks using Ansible Playbooks
Feature 03 MINIMIZE HUMAN ERROR: Mitigate security threats with tailored, easy-to-follow remediation steps.
Feature 04 Spend your time wisely on the issues that most impact risk reduction using a total risk assessment that combines probability risk with potential impact per issue.
Feature 05 Easily view current risk assessment and identify historical trends to enhance decision-making.
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Predictive analytics helps you see what’s happening in your IT environment. It also allows staff to fix technical issues before they impact your environment—avoiding costly downtime. Red Hat® Insights gives your business the ability to predict and prevent problems before they occur. You get real-time, in-depth analysis of your Red Hat infrastructure to proactively identify threats to security, performance, and stability.
