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Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform

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Application programming interfaces (APIs) deliver fundamental business value in a digital world–from supporting internal innovation and enabling cross-enterprise agility, to creating new products and revenue streams. Red Hat® 3scale API Management makes it easy to manage your APIs for internal or external users. Share, secure, distribute, control, and monetize your APIs on an infrastructure platform built with performance, customer control, and future growth in mind. And now, with the release of 3scale API Management 2, you can place any 3scale components on-premise, in the cloud, or on any combination of the two.

Brand Red Hat
Product Type JBoss Integration and Automation
Version Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform
System Requirements "Hardware requirements depend on your usage needs. Red Hat recommends you test and configure your environment to meet your specific requirements. Consider the following recommendations when configuring your environment for 3scale on OpenShift: Compute optimized nodes for deployments on cloud environments (AWS c4.2xlarge or Azure Standard_F8). Very large installations may require a separate node (AWS M4 series or Azure Av2 series) for Redis if memory needs exceed your current node’s available RAM. Separate nodes between routing and compute tasks Dedicate compute nodes to 3scale specific tasks Set the PUMA_WORKERS variable of the backend listener to the number of cores in your compute node"
Feature 01 Access Control: Access control features are essential to making sure you determine exactly who uses your API, how it is used, and how much they can use it. We make it easy to centrally set up and manage policy and application plans for all your APIs on one platform.
Feature 02 Security: It goes without saying that if you’re planning to open an API, security needs to be carefully considered from the start. Whether your API is public, private, or internal, with 3scale you can choose the authentication type most appropriate to your needs. We offer a range of authentication patterns and credentials to chose from, including unique API keys and OAuth tokens.
Feature 03 Rate Limits: Once you’ve established who gets access, how they get it, and what can be done with your API, you can set even finer grained (traffic) controls through the admin portal. Rate limits allow you to manage and control the flow of access to your API resources. If you have one API or many, you can control access by type of plan or user profile, down to calls allowed per minute.
Feature 04 Developer Portal: One of the best ways to improve the performance and success of your API is to create an amazing developer experience. We provide a state of the art CMS making it super easy to create your own custom domain portal to manage developer interactions and increase API adoption. It’s simple to set up, so you can quickly start promoting your API, sign up developers and give them access to their API keys.
Feature 05 Analytics: Monitor and set alerts on traffic flow. Provide partners and developers with reports on their traffic with a user dashboard designed for them. Analyze your API traffic through detailed analytics by account, application, or service, and share performance insights across the organization with crisp, clear reporting.
Feature 06 Monetization Tools: We make it easy to reap the benefits of sharing your data assets through simple in-product integrations with popular payment traffic like Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.net, and Ogone. Setting up pricing rules, invoicing and collection with our PCI compliant system is simple
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Application programming interfaces (APIs) deliver fundamental business value in a digital world–from supporting internal innovation and enabling cross-enterprise agility, to creating new products and revenue streams. Red Hat® 3scale API Management makes it easy to manage your APIs for internal or external users. Share, secure, distribute, control, and monetize your APIs on an infrastructure platform built with performance, customer control, and future growth in mind. And now, with the release of 3scale API Management 2, you can place any 3scale components on-premise, in the cloud, or on any combination of the two.
